Hello. I’m Chris Starfire, and here are some projects I’m very proud of:

2024: My Research on Sarah A. Thomas

One of the last known graves on the Oregon-California trail where the name, age, and date of death was known but nothing else, was the grave of Sarah A. Thomas. When I saw OCTA’s video about her grave, the story was familiar to me, so I started researching. Here are my results: Sarah A. Thomas–Who Was She?

UPDATE 15 June 2024: I spent a fair bit of time combing through the Iowa State Census records. The Thomases and Campbells are listed in Washington Township in 1852, but in 1854, both are gone. 

This is the first indication I’ve found that Randy Brown was right on the money when he said it was very likely that the Campbells & Thomases travelled to California together. And it helps explain the oddity of Sarah’s 16 y.o. sister Lucinda travelling with them if the entire family was travelling together.

My next project is looking through the families that were connected to the Cambells, Thomases, Dennisons, and Helms in Linn and Benton counties (Iowa), and seeing if any others left Iowa between the 1852 and 1854 censuses.

2018-2023: Stormé DeLarverié 
I began researching Stormé Delaverié in early 2018 when I realised she was being celebrated as a myth while the incredible person she was was being not only forgotten, but erased. Thanks to friends and family of Stormé, I found more than I could’ve imagined. I created a website in her honour: Stormé DeLarverié

I’ve transferred the site to Jeanne Stanley, my dear friend and fellow Stormé researcher. She’ll protect Stormé’s legacy and my research after I’m gone.

2014: Interview with Mark Greyland
After his sister went public with abuse from their mother, Marion Zimmer Bradley, I interviewed Mark Greyland. 

After a great deal of public attention, he requested that I take it down. Several years later he said he’d like it available again, but I was too ill to do it then. Mark has since died, and I’m finally fulfilling his request: Secret Keeper No More: An Interview With Mark Greyland